Friday, June 18, 2004

There are uncanny parallels between the Government's handling of the prisoner abuse scandal and the 'children overboard' affair: the same obstinate refusal on the part of the Prime Minister and other Ministers to seek out the truth; the same reluctance on the part of senior officials and advisers to pass on unwelcome or inconvenient advice to their political masters; the same Nixonian culture of plausible deniability

Eye on Politics & Law Lords: If people don't say where they're going after choir practice, this country is at risk
What this means in understandable English is that if a parent, in his anxiety to know where his son goes after choir practice, does something that will cause severe pain to his son, it is only "torture" if the causing of that severe pain is his objective. If his objective is something else - such as finding out where his son goes after choir practice - then it is not torture.
· This won't hurt much: Terry Jones is a writer, film director, actor and Python [ via Censorship's Trial Balloons - What happens when wartime news gets censored? By Liam Callanan ]
· · See Also Vote for Me (and I approve this blogging)
· · · See Also Bush's Political Thorn Grows More Stubborn: ...dishonesty about the war rationale [ via Being abused when nobody else knows you even exist ]
· · · · See Also Contractors in Iraq: the view from the lobby, Part I.
· · · · · See Also Bill Clinton's Very Personal Reflections
· · · · · · See Also A case study in Right Wing thought patterns: the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak