Monday, June 14, 2004

Goodwill, mutual respect, transparency... what's fuelling the blogosphere will soon fuel all markets. Bloggers are learning this faster than other people. This is the main reason we read and write them. This is the main reason people like you, me and Brad have decided to join the conversation.

Literature & Art Across Frontiers: For Budding Authors, a Rapid-Fire Publisher
Hot off the presses has taken on a newly literal meaning with the installation of the first instant book-printing machine in an American bookstore.
Take a floppy disk or CD-ROM to Bookends in Ridgewood, N.J., or e-mail the store a file, and pow! - in as little as 17 minutes a perfect-bound paperback version of your novel, family memoir, or favorite Bulgarian desserts can be printed.
Best-selling books are so outside the norm that they're an anomaly.

· The more books we print, the more salespeople we have out there [link first seen at Why the SMH is the best newspaper in the world ]
· · See Also W h a t i a c t u a l l y M e a n w h e n i s a y I l o v e y o u: T h i r t y s c e n a r i os
· · · See Also Canadians are less willing to make the imaginative leap necessary to enjoy a movie about domestic politics
· · · · See Also In Love with Sound
· · · · · See Also Never On Sunday: NewTown would have loved blogging, because he was forthright in his condemnation of his enemies
· · · · · · See Also Turning memories of a lighthouse job into a bestseller