Friday, April 30, 2004

Make no bones about trends:: Forget the BMW, the Armani suit and the Beluga caviar; the latest, must-have item comes in a bottle costing up to $300...
Students set to hit the latest e-books: textbooks, literature and art

Why aren't reporters probing Office of Homeland Security?
Coverage of the structure and actual performance of the Office of Homeland Security in particular is one of the great unreported stories in Washington. No one was asking questions about how every system designed to protect this country failed.
· What did Bush know? Let's ask, 'What's he doing now?'
· See Also Web Filtering and Surveillance
· See Also Sean Nicholls: ASIO lends Bob Carr expertise for material on all government websites
· See Also Balancing the Need To Know: public concerns and private concerns
· See Also Librarians' Index to the Internet, Information You Can Trust!