Thursday, April 29, 2004

John Howard and Alan Jones are friends. They're also political allies. Mutual backscratchers, in other words, for mutual advantage. Cool. But what happens when the third party in the mutual admiration and mutual benefit society is the bloke Howard appoints to enforce the law on radio broadcasting licence holders - in this case 2UE, in which Jones is a substantial shareholder - and to set standards of conduct to protect citizens from abuse of power?
Why the big parties won't keep Big Media honest

Blog Me Tender: Still, it puts bums on seats at conferences, eh? [/obligatory snark ]
I have to question the wisdom of putting people and their passions into boxes, particularly when many (myself included) love it out here on the new frontier precisely because we can avoid being boxed in by those who would diminish our work by drawing lines around it. Which be an exercise in self-deception, but that's the most delicious flavour, after all.
· Irak: Bloggers are editors, not journalists [ courtesy of ]
· See Also Political Biases
· See Also Not to go blubbery on me the way you do when you read a dog story with a sad ending