Wednesday, March 03, 2004

I don’t go for fancy cars, / For diamond rings / or stars
or signs of thawing in cold war: Stalin has been burning in hell for 18245 days

Forbidden Oxygen
In North Korea everything not forbidden is compulsory, and what is compulsory is monstrous. It is the epitome of political evil.
We avoid Lenin today not because he was an enemy of freedom, but because he reminds us of the fatal limitation of our freedoms.

· Enemy of Freedom
Elie Wiesel asked God not to forgive those who killed children in Auschwitz.
· See Also Are there acts so evil that it is not possible to forgive?
· See Also Chinese history is gory
· See Also S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine forces Pol Pot's former torturers to confront their victims
· See Also Heidegger was a Nazi to the end, never in serious conflict with the regime, and always played innocent