Sunday, March 21, 2004

Marking the one-year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, crowds of sign-waving, slogan-chanting demonstrators climbed Mountains, Big Bens and marched through cities...

Global protests mark invasion anniversary
David Corn introduces a report prepared by the Democratic staff of the House Government Reform Committee, that identifies 237 specific misleading Iraq-related statements made by President Bush and four top advisers, in 125 separate public appearances.
· A searchable database includes Urgent Threat
· Protests
· See Also Apparat: Bush's back-door political machine
· See Also Soros
· Unsavory Record: Vance International, a firm that specializes in, among other things, Secret Service-like personal protection, surveillance, and corporate security during labor disputes

Taken for a Ride: one year anniversary of the war
Spinning the Past, Threatening the Future... But what was he saying? Surely he didn't mean that everyone was obliged to support all of his policies, that if you opposed him on anything you were aiding terrorists. Now we know that he meant just that. - from another great column by Paul Krugman.
· Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists
· See Also The Spannish conservatives thought blaming ETA would help them politically as Communist thought that Iron Curtain would keep dissidents out
· You would think a government determined to introduce democracy to Iraq could tolerate a little dissent in its own backyard... [ via SMH]
· Bin Laden reward doubled
· See Also My Publisher based in Canada Got it Right on Iraq
· Mass rape atrocity in west Sudan ]