Saturday, March 13, 2004

Just as Sydney lived in Dark Ages until 1980, we hit a critical mass of really valuable stuff that was online, I think, about 2000 when Jozef Imrich became part of the revolution (smile)

The mind Googles
Google rules the world of wisdom for now, but the next step is a knowledge source that thinks before it looks.
In the beginning - before Google - a darkness was upon the land. We stumbled around in libraries. We lifted from the World Book Encyclopedia. We paged through the nearly microscopic listings in the heavy green volumes of the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature. We latched onto hearsay and rumour and the thinly sourced mutterings of people alleged to be experts. We guessed. We conjectured. And then we gave up, consigning ourselves to ignorance.
Only now, in the bright light of the Google Era, do we see how dim and gloomy was our pregooglian world.

· In the distant future, historians will have a common term for the period before Google: the Dark Ages