Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Take-Out Chinese Hello? This is PakiStan. I'll take an order of General Tao's Chicken, and the some spicy nuclear sauce. Investigators have identified China as the origin of nuclear weapons designs found in Libya last year, exposing yet another link in a chain of proliferation that passed nuclear secrets through Pakistan to other countries in Asia and the Middle East...

New York Police Training for Catastrophic Terrorism
The New York Police Department, working with city health officials, federal authorities and other agencies, has been preparing for a possible attack with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, perhaps the most daunting threat facing municipalities in a post-9/11 world.
· Preparing for the worst

The big thieves hang the little ones. -- Czech Proverb

Sydney Police Practicing for Catastrophic Rampage
Notice if you will, how Thomas "TJ" Hickey believed the police were after him...
I hope it does make a better Redfern. They've got to stop chasing our kids, and hurting our kids.

· Chased or not, TJ had reasons to run: Caught on camera [See Also Alcohol, heat, grief triggered the riot: The Premier, Bob Carr, and the Police Commissioner, Ken Moroney ]
· Repairing Redfern and race relations
· Police claim to be experienced in the area, but locals say they acted like stormtroopers

South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu helped lead his country out of apartheid and the Nobel Peace Prize winner has been a strong opponent of the Iraq War. He’s to give an important speech today in which he will demand apologies... Weak and insecure people hardly ever say 'sorry'. It is large-hearted and courageous people who are not diminished by saying: 'I made a mistake'.