Thursday, January 01, 2004

Scientists Measure Pollution in Humans
Davis Baltz shops for organic food and otherwise tries to live as healthy as he can. So he was shocked to learn that the pollutants collecting inside his body sounded much like a Superfund cleanup site: pesticides, flame retardants and other nasty, man-made chemicals turned up in a recent test.
· The Day After: Shock Horror [ courtesy of Google Naturally]
Britain's town centres float on a sea of alcoholic excess. Can alcohol be restored to its better role as a lubricant of life rather than unconsciousness?
Growing old is compulsory - growing up is optional.
A new Dutch invention can make scooters, cars, busses and other vehicles no less than 50 percent more efficient and thus more environmentally friendly. Better still, the technology is already available; it all comes down to a smart combination of existing systems.

· E-traction: the whisperer [ via Driving Back to Future ]