Monday, January 26, 2004

The word for monkey in Czech is opice which is also a slang word for hangover. So, year of a monkey in Czech is rok opice which is year of hangover. via Petr

If you can see the future, you have no future. This line from the movie perfectly sums up the twisty, fascinating premise of this very absorbing movie.
I was the only person in the theater. Good thing I wasn't in Communist Russia: they used to wait until every seat was sold before rolling the film. You could wait for hours, and never know when it would begin, or even if it would. Three cheers for the command economy model, R.I.P.

Tzvetan Todorov's Hope and Memory
Democracy versus totalitarianism, then. But the trouble is that liberal-capitalist democracies, when plunged into dire trouble, sometimes become totalitarian as a way of solving their problems; and if this book was not so strikingly silent about the causes of such absolutist regimes, it might be rather less confident that liberal values are one thing and a knock on the door before dawn quite another. For liberal values include market enterprise, which can easily get out of hand; and the more economic anarchy you breed, the more you will need an authoritarian system to prop it up and suppress the discontents it creates.
· A knock on the door before dawn quite another

Always avoid violence,
If you succumb to the temptation …
unborn generations will be the recipients
of a long and desolate night of bitterness,
and your chief legacy to the future will be an
endless reign of meaningless chaos...
(Use the Internet to expose sins of our masters and commanders...)

I Find Freedom To Be Offensive!
Warning: Cynical tripe and mindless dialogue ahead!
· Monologue [ courtesy of Government Spying (on You) Continues to Grow ]