Sunday, November 02, 2003

Music, like the roaring sound of Morava River, has an enormous advantage: it can, without mentioning anything, say everything.
Ilya Ehrenburg, Liudi, gody, zhizn' (quoted in Solomon Volkov's Shostakovich and Stalin, forthcoming in April from Knopf)

Boot Kalokagathia: stream-of-consciousness
Here was not where I wanted to bring my manuscripts. I knew I would be bored. I asked myself then, as I sometimes do now: How long would Melville, Poe, Kafka, Emerson, or Dostoyevsky have survived in a soft-at-the-center course like this?
· Education without imagination [Chronicle ]
· Wo v Men[SMH via Wen of Troppo Fame]

Cold River, Just For Real Men: You don't have to feel left out !=)
Bloggers already dealt this year with so-called disenfranchised men whining that they need their own TV network. Now a British duo wants to take back book publishing?
There've been limited studies done indicating that roughly two-thirds of North American school libraries have not a single book in stacks of interest to boys. Imagine what that says about Cold River.
Men want a return to adventure stories where men are men and debauchery is welcomed along with daring escapes, smoking and drinking.

· Publishers fight for more 'male lit' [BBC]
· Cowardice Iraq [Newsday]