Sunday, November 16, 2003

I am always opened to new ideas and always value people over institutions. The most evil political systems have been created out of high but blind ideals. Better a politics that sees all of human nature, good, bad, and ugly...
An unphotogenic straw man gets inserted into office and a cabal of shadowy corporate advisers dictate policy and carry out the dirty work. It’s generally every Premier’s and PM’s world...
The truth is that however hard even Bob Carr tries he can't seem to persuade the average punter that he 'walks his talk,' ...Like many other Premiers who loved the political throne, he is finding it hard to reinvent himself as a corruption fighter. Are more (less )criminals running Sydney institutions today than a decade ago? Are Parliamentary debates more meaningless than a decade ago? Why is the main media not answering these questions? John Hatton is only a phone call away and the only human being in NSW qualified to answer the deeper questions. John walked the talk and took more risks than any other politician I have ever known.

Carmen Lawrence our Real hope
Vaclav Havel in a skirt, Carmen Lawrence has just made history in the Labor Party — she's become the first female national president of the ALP and the first person to be elected to that post by the party members.
· Winner: Over 6000 votes [Wendt]

Australia needs a speaker who will encourage healthy debate
Mr Dennis Skinner (Bolsover): In view of the reviewed interest in crime figures, especially on the Tory Benches, will my Right Honourable friend consider whether back-stabbing should become a criminal offence?
· Thrust [Online Opinion]