Saturday, June 21, 2003

New Media If you build it they will come: Blogging and the new citizenship

There's an old joke where two kids are sitting in a room and one says to the other, There's an aphrodisiac behind that radiator. And the other says, What's a radiator?
· The new public intellectuals are out there [Tim Dunlop of Road To Surfdom fame]
· The new Czech public intellectuals are out there [Politalk] and IWantMedia,

Weblogs run by one person who acts as writer, editor, publisher, ad salesman, promotions director, janitor, etc.
· Must-see Slave Sites for Media Junkies. [OJR ]
· Bohemian Bloggers Rate the Most Influential Blogs [OJR]

Directories of Blogs

RSS Directory, from blogStreet, contains a listing of 11,000+ RSS feeds of blogs, making it one of the largest directories of RSS.
See also Technorati, with "384,996 weblogs watched," that recently launched a new · Keyword Search (Beta) feature that supports Boolean searching.