Friday, June 06, 2003

Media Lies, damn lies and governments

If news reporting is the first brushstroke of history we ought to do our damnedest to get it right. At every level journalists are trained to be questioning, and for good reason: they have to cover a wide field.
· Truth is not only the first casualty of war, but the road kill of the daily political process [Australian ]
· Really Rare Byrd: Iraq's WMD Intelligence: Where is the Outrage? [ June 5, 2003]

Michael Kinsley once wrote that within Corridors of Power, a gaffe is when you tell the truth, which is a clever way of saying that honesty is so rare in politics that when someone says something candid, we're all shocked.
· Conservative Journalists' Dirty Little Secret [TomPaine]
· Jayson Blair and Rick Bragg scandals [Editor&Publisher ]