Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Mysteries Of NFT Taxation And The Problem Of Crypto Asset Tax Evasion

The Mysteries Of NFT Taxation And The Problem Of Crypto Asset Tax Evasion

Comrade Musk was forced to reveal that two sanctioned russian oligarchs helped him to purchase Twitter!

The guy who literally sabotaged Ukrainian army by deliberately disabling Starlink and disrupting the Ukrainian attack on the russian Black Sea fleet. 

The guy who constantly pushed Ukraine to stop its “futile fight” and get to the ceasefire.

Comrade Musk is not a fighter for the freedom of speech, but an enabler of russian genocide against Ukraine, sponsored by russia itself. What a twist. I cannot believe it. Oh wait, but wasn’t it obvious?!

The inimitable Peter van Onselen – academic, rabble-rouser, journalist – was never going to spend long on the sidelines.
Earlier this year, he triumphantly returned to journalism as the political editor of the ever-salacious Daily Mail Australia. And in that role, which wedges his political insights between pap shots of Jacinta Franklin and recaps of Married at First Sight, he’s covered all manner of punter-friendly political topics.

How US Big Tech monopolies colonized the world: Welcome to neo-feudalism Geopolitical Economy Review

You Say You Want a Revolution Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds

C L R James and America Aeon

The Death of the Engineer CEO: Evidence that Short-Termism and Financialization Had Become Ascendant

A look at how some turning points in the history of Corporate America, such as CEO changes of guard, explain how America hollowed itself out.

Multinational Enterprise Information Platform

Annie Burns-Pieper] via Data is PluralThe Multinational Enterprise Information Platform, a collaboration between the OECD and the UN Statistics Division, provides publicly sourceddata on the 500 multinational corporations with the largest market capitalization. Its “Global Register” dataset examines the companies’ structure, listing each subsidiary’s name, parent company, address, alternative names, and various unique identifiers. 

The “Digital Register” dataset lists all known web domains controlled by each company and assessments of those domains’ popularity. The platform’s “Media Monitor” feature, although not downloadable, links to news articles and other webpages mentioning the companies.”