Friday, August 30, 2024

Record labels forgot these songs existed. One man rescued them

"The knowledge that life is worthless is the flower of all wisdom. The worthlessness of life is the easiest truth, but at the same time it is the one that is the hardest to know, because it appears concealed by countless veils." — Philipp

Sacred Sites. “From Machu Picchu to the Louvre — the book journeys through sacred sites in art and ancient history.” I’ve always loved places and architecture that feel awe-inspiring or numinous

The life-changing magic of being in the groove. “Scientists have long known the mental and creative benefits of the flow state, in which total absorption in an activity banishes anxiety.”

OFF FOR SUSHI; BACK LATER.  Eating Seaweed May Help Prevent Parkinson’s, Study Finds

Where ‘Roger That’ Really Comes From

People Without Meaningful Lives Seek Power Over Others

Morocco’s strategy on the Western Sahara has paid off Deutsche Welle. 

ChatGPT is bullshit – Recently, there has been considerable interest in large language models: machine learning systems which produce human-like text and dialogue. Applications of these systems have been plagued by persistent inaccuracies in their output; these are often called “AI hallucinations”. 

Dr. Michael Townsen HicksDr. James Humphries and Dr. Joe Slater argue that these falsehoods, and the overall activity of large language models, is better understood as bullshit in the sense explored by Frankfurt (On Bullshit, Princeton, 2005): the models are in an important way indifferent to the truth of their outputs. 

They distinguish two ways in which the models can be said to be bullshitters, and argue that they clearly meet at least one of these definitions. They further argue that describing AI misrepresentations as bullshit is both a more useful and more accurate way of predicting and discussing the behaviour of these systems.

Politico Tech Podcast: “The transition from one presidential administration to the next is generally thought to start around Election Day and end with the inauguration. But for the Internet Archive, it’s already underway. 
The nonprofit leads a coalition of libraries and universities that works to preserve the government’s digital history and to protect it from partisan tampering during administration changes. On POLITICO Tech, host Steven Overly discusses what it takes to archive a president with the Internet Archive’s Mark Graham.”

The Captive want you, yet I know that never can I embrace you to my heart's content. you are that clear and bright sky. I, in this corner of the cage, am a captive bird. from behind the cold and dark bars directing toward you my rueful look of astonishment, I am thinking that a hand might come and I might suddenly spread my wings in your direction. I am thinking that in a moment of neglect I might fly from this silent prison, laugh in the eyes of the man who is my jailer and beside you begin life anew. I am thinking these things, yet I know that I can not, dare not leave this prison. even if the jailer would wish it, no breath or breeze remains for my flight. from behind the bars, every bright morning the look of a child smile in my face; when I begin a song of joy, his lips come toward me with a kiss. O sky, if I want one day to fly from this silent prison, what shall I say to the weeping child's eyes: forget about me, for I am captive bird? I am that candle which illumines a ruins with the burning of her heart. If I want to choose silent darkness, I will bring a nest to ruin. Forough Farrokhzad