Thursday, February 01, 2024

The New World Struggles to be Born, The Old World Struggles to Keep Padding Its Resume


MATT TAIBBI:  “UK Files” Exclusive, Part 2: The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) Told the IRS It Was A Charity. Documents Say Otherwise. “In reality, the CCDH was and is a pioneering effort in a new form of “non-governmental” pressure group that hides its ties to major-party politics as it pushes for the removal of ‘hate’ speech, often the critics of mainstream politicians.”

FREDDY DE BOER ON FEAR AND ENVY AT THE ATLANTIC:  The New World Struggles to be Born, The Old World Struggles to Keep Padding Its Resume.

I found this little item in The Atlantic from a few weeks ago to be an amusing volley in an old war. It’s part of a long lineage of establishment publications working to guard whatever lingering sense of superiority they have left, from a writer named Kaitlyn Tiffany.

First, this appears to contains a flat factual inaccuracy: it’s simply historical incorrect to say that Substack “got its start by offering mainstream journalists lucrative profit-sharing arrangements.” Substack’s core financial arrangement is to host newsletters and handle payment integration, in return for which Substack takes a percentage of subscription revenues; this is only “profit-sharing” in the loosest and least-accurate sense. (Am I also “profit-sharing” with Stripe? Are grocery stores profit-sharing with Mastercard? Am I profit-sharing with the government when I pay income taxes?)

 NEWS YOU CAN USE:  Five Uplifting Items.