NO ONE CAN AFFORD TO BUY, NO ONE CAN AFFORD TO SELL: First-time buyers ‘rate-locked’ out of housing market.
STRONG LIKE BULL: What can bulls tell us about men? Genetic discovery could translate to human fertility research.
MEN HAVE ALWAYS BEEN WILLING TO BREAK THE LAW FOR SEX: Scientists Caught Sperm Defying a Major Law of Physics.
IF THERE WERE A PILL THAT DID THIS MUCH FOR YOU, EVERYONE WOULD TAKE IT: Review of studies confirms exercise alleviates depression.
On the Bulletpointization of Books. “A wide swath of the ruling class sees books as data-intake vehicles for optimizing knowledge rather than, you know, things to intellectually engage with.”
The New Vocabulary of Cocktails, including “snaquiri” (a small daiquiri shot), “Bro-Nar” (shot of bourbon + Cynar), “dirty dump” (pouring a shaken cocktail w/o straining), and “Peyshawty” (Peychaud’s bitters).
NEWS YOU CAN USE: Why Orgasms Are Good for Your Health.