Wednesday, November 22, 2023

I’m in God’s waiting room – just waiting to die

 Why I am now a Christian - UnHerd

To be honest, I feel like I’m in God’s waiting room – just waiting to die,” says one of the older participants. Another, Cecila, found her social circle diminished at retirement. “I feel lonely all the time. I try to cover it when I am outside. I have family, but they are busy … I don’t want to be a burden.”

It’s heartbreaking stuff – but this time around, the teens are hardly the cavalry coming in to rescue them. The younger group are also lonely – and need just as much support.

Old People’s Home for Teenagers review – I’m not crying, you’re crying

Wicked Little Letters At Chavel Paddo

Worried about AI hijacking your voice for a deepfake? This tool could help

NPR: “Artificial intelligence has gotten as good at mimicking people’s physical looks and voices that it can be hard to tell if they’re real or fake. Roughly half of the respondents in two newly-released AI surveys — from Northeastern University and and Pindrop — said they couldn’t distinguish between synthetic and human-generated content. This has become a particular problem for celebrities, for whom trying to stay ahead of the AI bots has become a game of whack-a-mole.Now, new tools could make it easier for the public to detect these deepfakes — and more difficult for AI systems to create them. “Generative AI has become such an enabling technology that we think will change the world,” said Ning Zhang, assistant professor of computer science and engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. “However when it’s being misused, there has to be a way to build up a layer of defense.”

How Digital Celebrity Works

The open infrastructure of the Internet allowed ordinary people to reach a level of renown once reserved for politicians or Hollywood starlets. These newly empowered posters not only shaped the norms of the social media sites they used; they influenced their very infrastructure. - The Nation