Thursday, September 09, 2021

Seth Godin: Is TikTok Powerful?

  What has destroyed every previous civilization has been the tendency to the unequal distribution of wealth and power.

— Henry George, born in 1839

As Greek finance minister, he made a name for himself for standing up to Germany. But his political star burned out quickly. Now, Yanis Varoufakis is trying his luck at writing novels.

A Former Leftist Icon Turns to Science Fiction Der Spiegel

       I Never Had a Best-Seller review 

       The most recent addition to the complete review is my review of Jacob Steinberg's I Never Had a Best-SellerThe Story of a Small Publisher
       Steinberg was the founder of Twayne -- best-known for their enormous and invaluable Authors-series, but also publishers of quite an interesting variety beyond that. 

Seth Godin: Is TikTok Powerful?

Seems like everyone is getting rich

Fake Banksy NFT sold through artist’s website for £244k BBC 

Long live the labour shortages FT

Saved by the bankers (review) Prospect. Adam Tooze, Shutdown

We Need to Start Traveling Again. Here’s How.Tony Blair, John Bell, David B. Agus NYT. “We” “need” Tony Blair not to travel anywhere, at any time, for any reason

Make Google Pay for Linking to Content? Hmnnn.

You might think this is just a journalism issue, but one can draw parallels of paying to read stories to paying for music streaming, which has not proven to "pay off" for the vast majority of musicians.

One-man band delivers stunning street performance