Rats love driving tiny cars, even when they don’t get treats Ars Technica
World’s biggest mammal migration under threat Al Jazeera
New US cricket league aims to crack world’s largest sports market FT. Cricket is cool, maybe even cooler than baseball.

Drug Middlemen Shift Arguments to Escape Liability, State Laws Bloomberg Law
‘A total blessing’: Sacramento County gives $1,000 payments to residents affected by COVID-19Sacramento Bee (JJ). Unlike Holyoke, MA (possibly because Holyoke has an insurgent mayor Mass Democrats hope to stifle).
Couch Surfing the Waves of American PovertyCurrent Affairs
Poverty, depression, and anxiety: Causal evidence and mechanisms Science
Museum of Difference The Baffler
China flight attendants advised to wear diapers for coronavirus protection ABC7
The Receding Horizon of Travel’s Return NYT
In the present wreck of empires, and under the extinction of all international law, no small state can hope to maintain its independence. Great Britain and Ireland, from their situation, their language, and their mutual necessities, seem naturally destined to support each other’s strength, and supply each other’s wants; and we are quite convinced, that nothing but extreme misgovernment can separate them. Heavy indeed, then, will be the responsibility of those men, under who administration, or by whose previous unconciliatory measures such a separation is effected — whether the immediate cause of it be foreign conquest, or internal commotion.
That is Thomas Robert Malthus, “On the State of Ireland (II), published in the Edinburgh Review in 1809. It made perfect sense back then — and today — and yet for entirely different and indeed almost opposite reasons.
Book thieves come in two varieties: the rogue custodians, who exploit their access to literary treasures, and the academics