-Lena Waithe
Every sin is an attempt to fly from emptiness.
— Simone Weil, born in 1909
We know that latitude rejection really hurts, but it can also inflict damage to our psychological well-being that goes beyond emotional pain. Here are 10 lesser known facts that describe the effects rejection has on our emotions, thinking, and behavior.
WHAT IS SEEN BY STUTTERING ALIEN CANNOT BE UNSEEN: Harvey Weinstein jurors shown naked photos of movie mogul.
'Not a cultural fit': recruiters tell PM it's code for we went for someone a lot younger
Diamond-finding enterprises (New Yorker).
NeimanLab – Humans are hardwired to dismiss facts that don’t fit their worldview – “Human cognition is inseparable from the unconscious emotional responses that go with it.” By Adrian Bardon – “Something is rotten in the state of American political life. The U.S. (among other nations) is increasingly characterized by highly polarized, informationally insulated ideological communities occupying their own factual universes.
Flexible ‘Dragon’ drone autonomously shapeshifts to fly through tight spaces

How to Define, Defend and Build Consensus for an Automation Project David Allen talks about building the right conditions for tax automation.
We know that latitude rejection really hurts, but it can also inflict damage to our psychological well-being that goes beyond emotional pain. Here are 10 lesser known facts that describe the effects rejection has on our emotions, thinking, and behavior.
WHAT IS SEEN BY STUTTERING ALIEN CANNOT BE UNSEEN: Harvey Weinstein jurors shown naked photos of movie mogul.
'Not a cultural fit': recruiters tell PM it's code for we went for someone a lot younger
Higher social class predicts increased unethical behavior PNAS
Diamond-finding enterprises (New Yorker).
While in out and about one day, vlogger Matej Priteržnik captured a truly uplifting video of a man on a bench belting out the words to the hit Bon Jovi song “Livin’ on a Prayer”. Other park-goers around him began to join in as his voice reached them. The song became immediately viral and finished with a crescendo of voices from every corner of the grassy square.
When one person affects the whole crowd! Love it.
(Wait for it, wait for it…) One guy, singing Bon Jovi’s Livin’ On A Prayer, gets an entire park to sing along with him. I know this was a tough week for many, but if this doesn’t brighten your day, I do not know what will.
AI’s hollow victory. Computers may beat humans at chess, Go, and Jeopardy. Unlike us, though, they can’t enjoy their success or enjoy failure
While working from home is a luxury for some, it’s becoming a necessity for others. The world is currently witnessing its “largest work-from-home experiment,” as Bloomberg put it, due to the rapid spread of the Wuhan coronavirus that’s killed more people than the 2002-03 SARS outbreak. Many businesses across China are forcing workers to stay home to protect their health and keep the virus from spreading. This may be challenging for teams accustomed to in-person brainstorming sessions, but remote work has the potential to protect public health by doing more than containing the Wuhan virus
One of the reasons this design works is that he understood “bee space,” the gap between panels which allows bees to circulate while preventing them from filling in the whole and making the panels “stick.”
Australia feels like 'the canary in the coal mine', says Neil Gaiman
On his latest visit, the bestselling author is feeling a sense of doom.
AI’s hollow victory. Computers may beat humans at chess, Go, and Jeopardy. Unlike us, though, they can’t enjoy their success or enjoy failure
While working from home is a luxury for some, it’s becoming a necessity for others. The world is currently witnessing its “largest work-from-home experiment,” as Bloomberg put it, due to the rapid spread of the Wuhan coronavirus that’s killed more people than the 2002-03 SARS outbreak. Many businesses across China are forcing workers to stay home to protect their health and keep the virus from spreading. This may be challenging for teams accustomed to in-person brainstorming sessions, but remote work has the potential to protect public health by doing more than containing the Wuhan virus
Researcher says Backdoor mechanism still active in many IoT products - ZDNet: “Russian security researcher Vladislav Yarmak has published today details about a backdoor mechanism he discovered in Xiongmai firmware, used by millions of smart devices across the globe, such as security cameras, DVRs, NVRs, and others. A firmware fix is not currently available as Yarmak did not report the issue to the company, citing a lack of trust in the vendor to properly fix the issue. In a detailed technical rundown that Yarmak published on Habr earlier today, the security researcher says the backdoor mechanism is a mash-up of four older security bugs/backdoors that were initially discovered and made public in March 2013, March 2017, July 2017, and September 2017— and which the vendor failed to adequately fix…”
Phil Gaetjens' sports rorts report 'reflects poorly on its author ...
Beehives, “bee space,” and Le Corbusier
The beehive design most of us probably imagine when thinking of beekeeping are actually a relatively recent design, having been patented by the clergyman Reverend Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth in 1852.One of the reasons this design works is that he understood “bee space,” the gap between panels which allows bees to circulate while preventing them from filling in the whole and making the panels “stick.”
It’s because Langstroth understood “bee space.” Simply put, bee space is a gap of around 6 - 8mm. It is the space that is too large for the bees to fill with propolis, too small to fill with comb but just right for crawling around in. By designing a hive with this exact space between components - between the frames, the frames and the hive walls, and the frames and the roof - it became possible for the frames to remain unstuck and to therefore be removable. The bees built their comb inside the parameters of the wooden frame and regular inspections by the beekeeper kept the frames loose. So, modern beekeeping is premised on the very precise measurement of the body of a honeybee and how it uses space inside a hive.The author proposes a parallel with architectural modernism, which although a bit stretched, has some value and is a good occasion to look into Le Corbusier’s unité d’habitation.
IU Tax Policy Colloquium: Layser, “When, Where, And How To Design Community-Oriented Place-Based Tax Incentives”
By: Leandra Lederman

On January 23, the Indiana University Maurer School of Law welcomed our first Tax Policy Colloquium guest of the year: Prof. Michelle Layser from the University of Illinois College of Law. She presented her draft paper on the design of place-based tax incentives, then called “When, Where, And How To Design Community-Oriented Place-Based Tax Incentives,” and since retitled “How Place-Based Tax Incentives Can Reduce Geographic Inequality.” An updated draft isavailable on SSRN.
Shelly explained that this draft is the second paper in a multi-part project she is conducting on place-based tax incentives. Last year, she published the first piece in the series, “A Typology of Place-Based Investment Tax Incentives,” 25 Wash. & Lee J. Civ. Rights & Soc. Just. 403 (2019). Place-based tax incentives are geography-based incentives that generally are intended to help low-income areas by fostering investment in those areas. The 2019 article distinguished among place-based tax incentives on two dimensions: direct and indirect tax subsidies and spatially-oriented versus community-oriented incentives. “Direct tax subsidies provide tax breaks directly to businesses that invest in low-income communities.” (p. 415) Indirect tax subsidies are instead provided to investors in such business (pp. 417-18). She cites as examples the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) of IRC § 45D and the Opportunity Zones (OZ) provisions in IRC § 1400Z-1 et seq. (The OZ provisions are the most oddly numbered Internal Revenue Code sections I’ve ever seen!). Spatially-oriented tax incentives focus on specific geographically-defined Continue reading
Defence lawyers for former CIA software
engineer Joshua Adam Schulte say that the CIA and federal prosecutors
don’t actually know for certain who was behind a 2017 leak of cyber espionage documents, let alone whether it was their client, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday. Instead, they said he really pissed off the entire CIA, making him a natural scapegoat for their incompetence.
"I don't believe in ghosts, but I see them all the time."
NeimanLab – Humans are hardwired to dismiss facts that don’t fit their worldview – “Human cognition is inseparable from the unconscious emotional responses that go with it.” By Adrian Bardon – “Something is rotten in the state of American political life. The U.S. (among other nations) is increasingly characterized by highly polarized, informationally insulated ideological communities occupying their own factual universes.
Within the conservative political blogosphere, global warming is either a hoax or so uncertain as to be unworthy of response. Within other geographic or online communities, vaccines, fluoridated water and genetically modified foods are known to be dangerous. Right-wing media outlets paint a detailed picture of how Donald Trump is the victim of a fabricated conspiracy. None of that is correct, though. The reality of human-caused global warming is settled science. The alleged link between vaccines and autism has been debunked as conclusively as anything in the history of epidemiology. It’s easy to find authoritative refutations of Donald Trump’s self-exculpatory claims regarding Ukraine and many other issues. Yet many well-educated people sincerely deny evidence-based conclusions on these matters. In theory, resolving factual disputes should be relatively easy: Just present the evidence of a strong expert consensus. This approach succeeds most of the time when the issue is, say, the atomic weight of hydrogen. But things don’t work that way when the scientific consensus presents a picture that threatens someone’s ideological worldview. In practice, it turns out that one’s political, religious, or ethnic identity quite effectively predicts one’s willingness to accept expertise on any given politicized issue…”
See also Leadership Lessons from the Dancing Guy, which I swear is related. Flexible ‘Dragon’ drone autonomously shapeshifts to fly through tight spaces
Short Story Collections, The Record Albums Of Fiction

Author Naomi Ishiguro: “I’ve always enjoyed the idea of total mundanity, and the struggles and the happinesses of ordinary life, and then contrasting it with something a bit alien and strange; the possibility of magic in the everyday.” –The Guardian (UK)
How to Define, Defend and Build Consensus for an Automation Project David Allen talks about building the right conditions for tax automation.

David Allen
Assistant Commissioner Internal Engagement and Transparency, Australian Taxation Office