Baboons on the loose in Sydney's inner west
Baboons have escaped a facility at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the University of Sydney.
Boys Club
We’re Asking One Question In Assange’s Case: Should Journalists Be Punished For Exposing War Crimes?Caitlin Johnstone
Roger Waters on Julian Assange Craig Murray
On JFK, Tulsi Gabbard Keeps Very Respectable Company Counterpunch
KERRY BROWN and EMMA LUO. Degrees of espionage(Chatham House/The World today
Fears are rising in countries…that China is wielding undue influence through its supposed infiltration of universities and institutions and by its spying on companies and government. Continue reading
Harvey Gilmore (Monroe College), Enron Meets Academia ... Altered Grades, Manufactured Transcripts, and Store-Bought Diplomas, 19 Fla. Coastal L. Rev. 567 (2019):
As Enron and Bernie Madoff once showed us the depths that people will go to hide who they really are, there are many others out there who have created entire academic profiles... and even careers... under false pretenses. This is the story of only a few of them.
Harvard's president intervened to deny tenure to a rising-star economist because he publicly supports a wealth tax is an important data point for a lot of things.— JW Mason (@JWMason1) February 21, 2020
As electric car sales soar, the industry faces a cobalt crisis Wired. Resilc: “EVs for most of USA USA will not happen in our lifetimes. Leap on to hydrogen.”
Study: Freedom Of Expression… Except For Arts Workers

More than eight out of ten survey respondents agreed that “workers in the arts and cultural sector who share controversial opinions risk being professionally ostracised”. The overwhelming message that comes across from more than 1,000 free text comments – running to 60,000 words – is neatly summed up by one person, who said “I often feel pressured to self-censor for fear of being ‘cancelled’ or bullied for not conforming to the orthodoxy”. –Arts Professional
A list of ten ways we are decadent and a (speculative) theory about why it might not matter It’s only chemo
A really annoying piece but its intro list is useful. Blames victims. No recognition of how neolibearlism has undermined community and forced workers into having to spend more time merely to (barely) get by. Also presumes that progress as conventionally measures is the best metric (how about noting instead the way the US is no longer the leader in average height, a measure of childhood nutrition?)