Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The evil number is here 6/6/6 ... Have a great google ranking day ;-)

The fearless are merely fearless.
People who act in spite of their fear are truly brave.
-James A. LaFond-Lewis

Countless websites, thousands of radio and TV channels, podcasts, plus an ocean of magazines and books. There’s media enough, but not enough time to pay attention. The Economics of Attention

The Blog, The Press, The Media: Are blogs campaign rallies?
In the spontaneous unfoldings of history Media Dragon was born ;-)

Like many political junkies, I get my news and opinion fixes from newspapers, television, and specialty newsletters. But I also rely increasingly on blogs, the Web pages that contain both interactive, hyperlinked reportage and commentary. Such information sources are no longer curiosities. For example, Daily Kos (http://www.dailykos.com) — started by Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, who served in the U.S. Army before going to college and law school — includes contributions from a giant group of leftist, liberal, and Democratic bloggers. The Nielsen//NetRatings service reported that in the single month of July 2005, Kos attracted 4.8 million separate visitors. The Kos audience is thus greater than the combined populations of Iowa, where the first presidential caucus takes place, and New Hampshire, site of the first primary, according to the current Democratic party schedule.

Political Blogs: the New Iowa? [The "Creating Passionate Users" blog is now in the Technorati Top 100. The big question is... why? We're not the brightest crayons in the box, or the best writers, and we rarely participate in A-Lister topics... so it's got to be something else What makes a popular blog? ; Yellow Pages and Wasting Local Business Advertising Dollars is pretty self-explanatory People who sell FEAR like the Yellow Pages can not sell the Hope that the Local Internet delivers. MerchantCircle: Small Business Blog of the Day ]
• · The latest fashion accessory on the campaign beat, a must for any cutting-edge story or column, is something called "netroots. Invasion Of The Netroots; The Orcologist cites Robert Scoble who keeps revealing himself as he drives with wife and U-Hal truck from his mother's funeral in Montana to his home near Seattle. You have to trust him because he shows so much of himself. You have to trust him, Orcology speculates, even though this blog has something to do with that Microsoft Empire. Is Trust evolving
• · · Deborah Mathis, former White House and national correspondent for the Gannett News Service and author of Yet a Stranger: Why Black Americans Still Don't Feel at Home Threats to Press Freedom Focus of BEA Panel ; Peter Beinart wants a new vision to match the old Cold War liberals, men who were able to build a “narrative of national greatness How the Left Lost America
• · · · shel israel Bloggers Can Shield Sources, Court Rules ; This doesn't work well with my slow connection, but a fun idea: a collage of faces taken from blog pages, with links to the blogs. Blogs with a Face
• · · · · Blog from soldiers who've returned from Iraq and are posting their journal entries, thoughts, photos and opinions of the war Fight to Survive; 10 Must Have Desert Island Web sites for Private Investigators
• · · · · · Muckraked! a blog on investigative journalism ; 60 Sites in 60 Minutes for Private Investigators