Monday, October 24, 2005

There’s no longer enough time in the day for people to sit down with the newspaper the way our average sixty-year-old reader does. People today are browsers and breezers Today's newspaper readers are "browsers and breezers

The Blog, The Press, The Media: David vs. Google
How a Mathematician from New Jersey wants to Overcome the World's biggest Search engine: A Trip into the World of Algorithms

When Apostolos was a kid, he drifted off into the world of numbers. His tiny village in Greece was boring. Now he’s taking on Google. A well-written Program is like a good Book: C++ is constantly being enhanced, "the language becomes more efficient every year", says Wei Wang, who has written the main part of the Ask Jeeves program

He was a bad student until he started to read Dostoyevsky [ Printer paranoia ; Google shares soar on profit news ; Kids ditch traditional toys for high-tech, electronic gadgets]
• · Why I don't want my kids going into journalism ; My Beautiful Career: How did the newsroom suddenly become so gorgeous? Never has the journalism profession been so handsome
• · · Crisis Of Faith: It turns out that Judith Miller had a lot more power at the New York Times than young Jayson Blair, and she used it NYT mess looks more and more like Catholic Church scandal ; In the name of journalism, the paper must cast out the unclean spirits NYT needs one last public exorcism to drive out the demons
• · · · Two Houston eateries have been chosen to be part of Esquire magazine's "Best New Restaurants" list due out soon, and you can partly thank your tax dollars for that Paid Publicity; This means not just recognizing that on most matters there are multiple points of view out there as opposed to a single, discoverable 'truth,' but also -- and this is just as important -- acknowledging that the world is a complicated place, and the stories and issues we cover are not always reducible to simple, television-friendly explanations PressThink: That’s some of what we did our best to find out today
• · · · · At Washington Post Company, Paper Down, Web Site Up ; Running With a Fast Crowd at AMC
• · · · · · The phrase should be "balanced and fair," not "fair and balanced." Most journalists are fine people; All the Dirt That's Fit to Print Wonkette's novel previewed