Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Telling men not to become aroused by signs of beauty, youth and health is, as David Buss has noted, like telling them not to experience sugar as sweet

Tracking Trends Great & Small: Quiet is the new loud
When trying to summarize my impressions of this week, I come to think of the title of an album from the Norwegian lo-fi rock group Kings of Convenience. It is called "Quiet is the new loud". Is that not what we have been preaching through out this week? That, in times when everyone screams, the solution is not to scream louder but to whisper. It has become incredibly hard to reach consumers via mass communication. Super Bowl ads and sponsorships of the Olympics, millions of dollars are spent on branding activities with questionable results. But with new technology like blogs we have the opportunity to start small conversations - whispers - with tiny groups of people who actually will listen, which if our predicitions are right, in time will spread and our messages will have the chance to reach larger audiences. Quiet is the new loud
Kings of Convenience [link first seen at Kingsofconvenience.com/ ]
• · Hippie communes Live on
• · · Flirting is in our blood, literally All animals are hardwired to attract mates
• · · · The State of PR - A Tale of Two Profession It was the best of times
• · · · · See Also Pollies make poor bloggers - UK report
• · · · · · See Also More alarming this week was the ABC's failure to give a decent explanation for refusing to sell news clips of politicians to a documentary maker