Saturday, July 17, 2004

Books for Babies, and earlier. Biblia, the Warrior Librarian writes "New Zealand has just started a new scheme to promote literacy - Books for New Zealand Babies. Interestingly, as part of the campaign they... will produce Baby Bookpacks in consultation with Kidz First, comprising a free book and reading tips, to be distributed to parents of premature and critically ill babies in the neonatal unit, with the goal of encouraging them to read to their newborns..
Sharing books with children from birth not only promotes bonding, but is proven to have a powerful impact on literacy - both for these children and their families

Literature & Art Across Frontiers: Books have not been killed off by the visual culture
It is depressing that we have one of the most literate societies in history but a decreasing number of readers...
Divine marketing opportunity. Collect donations for people not to buy your book, but to put your book in a public library. The indie press No Media Kings crowd would like you to do just that in their NO MEDIA KINGS, YES LIBRARY BLING drive. Don't miss their how to make a book section.
I'm interested in strengthening the ties between indie culture and public libraries, because it's a political alliance: we both fight corporate power. Just by being there we provide an alternative to our increasingly commodified culture and preserve the diversity of the public sphere. I think there's a lot of really interesting things that can be done between these two communities, once we become aware of each other's intersecting mutual interests.
Literature of MisReading [Literature of Dating]
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