Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Working In America Jobs Without Power

This is the first of a series of bi-weekly columns by Jonathan Tasini called "Working In America."
For at least half their waking hours, the American people live in a dictatorship. At home or in public places, Americans enjoy a measure of freedom and liberty envied by most people around the world: freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of association (true, John Ashcroft is trying to change all that but that's another story). But, the moment Americans walk through the doors of their workplace, they enter into a world that strips away all their basic rights.

· Are we all working too much? [TomPaine ]

NB::An essay by Nick Denton elaborates on the benefits (yes, even the productivity benefits) of working 80% instead of 120% of the standard work-week. He's even started a company that enforces a four-day work-week.