Sunday, August 03, 2003

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.

The big thieves hang the little ones.
-- Czech Proverb

Three virtues: humility, docility and responsibility Ethics is everybody's business: The sad decline of ethics in business, politics and the media

Humility is in reality, a strength and involves acknowledging both our abilities and our limitations.
Docility, usually perceived negatively, literally means easy to teach. Learning should be a lifetime experience.
Responsibility, to those less fortunate than you, to your community, to your country, to the world. And he cited Penn's motto, "Leges sine moribus vanae" (laws without morals are meaningless). There is elegance in simplicity.
The importance of ethics to the maintenance of a free and democratic society, and the need for leadership in setting the tone for ethical behavior.

· A lack of ethics erodes confidence in our primary societal institutions: government, business and the press [Daily Pennsylvanian]