Monday, July 07, 2003

Reasons for Love, Freedom, Hope...

Love is a breach in the walls, a broken gate.
wrote the poet Rupert Brooke.
(poem metaphorically entitled Lauren the Love of my Life in Exile)

Reasons for Love, Freedom, Hope... Be and/or Have?

Since passion is about fantasy and marriage is about reality, passion and marriage are the oddest of odd bedfellows. My own experience has been that passion ebbs and flows in marriage. We are pair-bonding creatures—like swans or geese. We can also be as promiscuous as baboons or bonobos. Those are the two extremes of human sexuality, and there are all gradations of chastity and sensuality in between. The glue that holds couples together consists of many things: laughter, companionship, tenderness—and sex.
· Embracing passion means living with fear [MSNBC ]

Freedom is a breach in the walls, a broken gate.

Not How I Crossed the Walls, But That I Crossed the Iron Gate At All...

Most people outside Czech and Slovak Republics have no clue who Bessie was, and there's no reason they should. Yet Bessie has her own niche in the political history of the Iron Curtain. She is the only dog to receive a Political Asylumn.

This book is like having an old itch finally scratched.

COLD RIVER - A Survivor’s Story: A MEMOIR
By Jozef Imrich with countless soulmates
Publication Date: July 2002
Double Dragon Publishing
eBook Price: $ 4.99
Hardcover Price: $ to be advised in 2004
Available in: Adobe Acrobat, eBook Reader, Gemstar eBook, Microsoft Reader, Palm Reader.
ISBN: 1-894841-06-9
· Cold War River: Crossing of Memories