Friday, September 27, 2002

FRATERNAL AMNESIA: Spin Doctors Prepare to turn Government Failure Into Success

From "Education Premier" to "Prisons Premier" busily expanding jails and the number of inmates.

The PRESIDENT (LC 26 September 2002: During the Adjournment - Hon. Peter Breen, MLC) Bear Pit Order! 'Order! I will rule on the point of order on the point of order. The point of order of the Hon. Ian Macdonald is upheld. Members cannot introduce material into the debate that has anything to do with the substantive issue. The point of order must, indeed, be a point of order.'
All this due to what some refer to as Bulldog's Disorder.

A mixed mirage of letters from the Australian PRESIDENTE a.k.a. TOMATO SAUCE who feels very strongly about the issue of ripe age. ‘With all good wishes, yours fraternally. Gough Whitlam.' Will the Presidente Reap What He Has Sown?

Czech out Snakes & Ladders. The ancient admonition that 'pride goes before a fall' can be as true of political parties as it is of individuals who tend to create a whole smaller than the sum of their parts.