Sunday, August 04, 2024

Komodo dragons have iron-coated teeth.

In 1955, the doctor performing Einstein's autopsy stole his brain. He carted it around for the next 50 years

AI facial recognition scanned millions of driver licences

ABC News AU – Then an innocent man got locked up. “A new kind of powerful AI was driving a rollout of facial recognition in law enforcement. It wasn’t just the US. This was happening around the world, including in Australia. For police, the benefits were obvious. Facial recognition could analyse a blown-up still taken from a security tape, sift through a database of millions of driver licence photos, and identify the person who did the crime. But the technology wasn’t perfect. 

Apart from facilitating a system of mass surveillance that threatened people’s privacy, the new AI systems were racially biased. They were significantly more likely to falsely identify people of colour. Despite this documented problem, police relied increasingly heavily on AI systems for investigations.”

Komodo dragons have iron-coated teeth

NEWS I CAN USE:  New Research Unveils Muscle Growth Secrets: Why Training to Failure May Not Be Necessary.

Little Free Library’s Not-So-Little Commitment to Getting the Word Out

Little Free Library’s book-sharing boxes promote literacy and strengthen communities.

SENIORS ARE GETTING MORE ACTION: Sexually Transmitted Infections Are Rising in Older People, And This May Be Why