Friday, June 07, 2024

The Spy Inside Your Smartphone

70 years ago today. 7th June 1954, Alan Turing took his own life. Father of computer science, codebreaker, Manchester icon; victim of prejudice and state violence. Mural by @_tankpetrol  is on Princess Parkway (M20 2EW).

The Spy Inside Your Smartphone

Jun 7  - SOME good news at least. Justin Warren the robodebt Freedom of Information advocate has had a comprehensive and somewhat surprising win in the full Federal Court of Australia regarding the controversial slapdash use of "cabinet documents" to deny FoI requests. Huge. . .
 This is the same stuff that AG Mark Dreyfus flat out denied was a recommendation from Robodebt Royal Commissioner Catherine Holmes (it was, at recommendation 57). So this is a significant win for transparency.

Kabosu, who inspired the dogecoin meme, has passed away

This home costs 345,000 euros.

SOH Gospel According to Paul - Keating is back


Violent doodles made by children 2,000 years ago raise eyebrows FOX

Why Did Primates Evolve Big Brains? It Might Not Be The Reason You Think Science Alert

Monet Destroyed As Many As 500 Of His Paintings

Dissatisfied with his paintings, he took knives and his own boots to them rather than send them to hotly anticipated Paris exhibitions, including one scheduled for 1907, which didn’t happen until 1909 for this very reason. - Artnet

A Russian Village Sophie Kropotkin, Anarchist Library

Old but renovated Singapore shophouses are now some of the most expensive properties in the world (FT).

Claims about the microfoundations of aging.

Revenge of the Tipping Point: Overstories, Superspreaders, and the Rise of Social Engineering, due out in October.