Tuesday, December 20, 2022

An intel analyst tried to prevent the Jan. 6 attack

“It’s a scam. The objective isn’t to get the farmers to behave in an organic, responsible, ecologically apposite manner. Far from it. It’s in order to bankrupt the farmers so that their land can be grabbed.” ~ Russell Brand

Exclusive: An intel analyst tried to prevent the Jan. 6 attack — but DHS failed to act Yahoo News

As business collapses rise, Parliamentary Committee scrutinises ATO’s role in 74% of cases

Twitter staffer turned Saudi spy jailed for 3.5 years Tweeter, tailor, soldier, bye

We need the return of the state Tax Research UK

The stuff uncovered in the Twitter whistleblower report @AvidHalaby, Thread Reader. Jawdropping

AG Conveniently Delivers Whistleblower Reform Too Late for McBride and Boyle

 Labor’s Lost Michael Lind, The Tablet

Where do we touch down? (review) London Review of Books. Bruno Latour. More goddamned books to read.

Musk’s Twitter disbands its Trust and Safety advisory group AP


Former top Twitter official forced to leave home due to threats amid ‘Twitter Files’ release CNN. Says “a person familiar with the matter.”

HMM:  Retired football players more likely to report age-related diseases.“NFL players, especially former linemen, had fewer disease-free years and earlier high blood pressure and diabetes diagnoses. Two age-related diseases, arthritis and dementia, were also more commonly found in former football players than in other men of the same age.”

JIMMY LAI:  Meet the journalist who terrifies the Chinese Communist Party.

Never trust a regime that fears free speech.

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, December 10, 2022 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. 

On a weekly basis Pete Weisshighlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and online security, often without our situational awareness. 

Four highlights from this week: Apple Commits to Encrypting iCloud, Drops Phone-Scanning Plans; Darknet Markets Generate Millions in Revenue Selling Stolen Personal Data, Supply Chain Study Finds; Top EU court rules Google must delete inaccurate search results; and Who Is Collecting Data from Your Car?

Dozens of Telehealth Startups Sent Sensitive Health Information to Big Tech Companies

MarkUp: “Open the website of WorkIt Health, and the path to treatment starts with a simple intake form: Are you in danger of harming yourself or others? If not, what’s your current opioid and alcohol use? How much methadone do you use? Within minutes, patients looking for online treatment for opioid use and other addictions can complete the assessment and book a video visit with a provider licensed to prescribe suboxone and other drugs. But what patients probably don’t know is that WorkIt was sending their delicate, even intimate, answers about drug use and self-harm to Facebook. A joint investigation by STAT and The Markup of 50 direct-to-consumer telehealth companies like WorkIt found that quick, online access to medications often comes with a hidden cost for patients: Virtual care websites were leaking sensitive medical information they collect to the world’s largest advertising platforms…”

House Subcommittee Report Details Pandemic Failures, Lessons Learned MedPage. Clyburn was chair. I might as well just leave my yellow waders on permanently. To be fair, both administrations get the back of the hand from the report, but not enough. Not nearly enough