Thursday, February 04, 2021

Reading between brown paper bags: Words in this story

"I am detail-oriented," "I am a team player" - cover letters require us to use language in horrific ways  cover letters 

Just one person attends the world’s most exclusive film festival

A single film fan has settled in to watch 70 movies on an isolated Swedish island.


 Running a major YouTube channel

 “Words in this story.”

Second wave puzzles in Iquitos.  And very useful long piece on Long Covid (NYT).

Russian Intelligence Cultivated Donald Trump for Decades, Says Former KGB Agent

And the Kremlin was delighted with the results, former KGB major Yuri Shvets tells The Guardian.

The KGB — and Czechoslovakian agents — first noticed Trump in 1977 when he married his first wife, Czech Ivana Zelnickova, Shvets told The Guardian.

Trump was wooed during his first visit with his wife to Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1987, as intelligence operatives flattered him, floated talking points they hoped he would push in the U.S., and urged Trump to go into politics, said Shvets. 

 Pay $2000 to (maybe) write for Rolling Stone magazine

The phantom time hypothesis

Interview with Ellen McGrattan.

Bayesian probabilities for more Oumuamuas?

Meet the Customer Service Reps for Disney and Airbnb Who Have to Pay to Talk to You Pro Publica. Chickenization. From October 2020, more germane than ever.


Hard Times Andrew Cockburn, Hard Times


Cooperative Conversions & Employee BuyoutsGrassroots Economic Organizing


Flint ‘Really Comes Down to People Not Being Listened To’ FAIR

Toxic Chemicals Threaten Humanity’s Ability to Reproduce The Intercept

No other writer could capture the popular imagination like this. But this generous, glittering shrapnel of unforgettable imagery all fell outside the realms of Clive’s formal literary career, leaving him with an unfair reputation as a brilliant lightweight who never quite fulfilled his dazzling potential.