Is It Really Too Late to Learn New Skills? New Yorker

PERRY DE HAVILLAND: Take action now… because choices will be made for you if you do not.
If you do not hold the ‘correct views’, the time is rapidly approaching that you need to find alternative venues for expressing those views. So set up your own blog (& do NOT host it with a company owned by Big Tech) and/or set up accounts on alternative platforms that do not depend on the very worst of Big Tech.
It is only a matter of time before Twitter, Google & Amazon makes the decision for you, either kicking you off platforms they own directly or taking down other platforms they disapprove off by denying them hosting. Gab and Parler can be accessed via the web, and the Parler app can still be installed on Android devices. It’s a quick and easy process.
And if you are still using an iPhone and want the app… consider making your current iPhone your final iPhone.
Dissenting views are under attack and the people doing the attacks do not even need to hide the fact anymore.
- Hugo Grotius, by Jon Miller.
- Presupposition, by David I. Beaver, Bart Geurts, and Kristie Denlinger.
- Vasubandhu, by Jonathan C. Gold.
- World Government, by Catherine Lu.
- Liberal Feminism, by Amy R. Baehr.
- The Structure of Scientific Theories, by Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther.
- The Identity Theory of Truth, by Richard Gaskin.
- Robert Guay reviews Structural Injustice: Power, Advantage, and Human Rights (Oxford), by Madison Powers and Ruth Faden.
1000-Word Philosophy
- Distributive Justice: How Should Resources Be Allocated?, by Dick Timmer and Tim Meijers.
- Pascal’s Wager: A Pragmatic Argument for Belief in God, by Liz Jackson.
Recent Philosophy Book Reviews in Non-Academic Media
- Machiavelli: The Art of Teaching the People What to Fear by Patrick Boucheron, reviewed by Camila Vergara at Boston Review.
- Feline Philosophy: Cats and the Meaning of Life by John Gray, reviewed by Constantine Sandis in Times Higher Education.
Compiled by Michael Glawson