Thursday, October 29, 2020
Friday, October 23, 2020
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
VITAMIN D UPDATE: More than 80 per cent of hospitalized COVID-19 patients had vitamin D deficiency. “For the study, the 216 hospitalized patients’ vitamin D levels were compared to those of a control group of 197 people of similar age and sex from a population-based cohort in the same geographical area. . . .
Like a 'criminal syndicate': eight charged in Chinese harassment plot
Tax administration and reform within the digitalised economy is an
ongoing global debate. In the study, the global tax response to various
elements introduced by the digitalisation of the economy is synthesised,
analysed and evaluated. The study is set apart from other studies, as
it provides a global and holistic overview of current tax reform of all
major tax types impacted by the digitalisation of the economy. The
study’s results are based on evidence collected for 120 countries
worldwide and reflect that while the digitalised economy is regarded as
borderless and digitalised, current international responses remain
influenced by country borders and traditional tax principles that have
led to global tax reform that is complex, expensive and difficult for
highly digitalised multinational entities to comply with.