RETIRE EARLIER, LIVE LONGER? “The thought is that the hard working late retirees (65) are more than likely putting too much stress on their ageing bodies and minds and due to the stress, they develop a variety of health problems. The associated stress induced health problems lead to them dying within two years of retirement.”
I’m not sure I buy this.
The way to one’s own heaven,” wrote Nietzsche, “always leads through the voluptuousness of one’s own hell.” Could happiness exist without hell?... Heaven
“Why the books? Why the babies? Why the essays? Why so many, why so fast?” Jill Lepore reveals her motivation — the memory of a brilliant friend... Lepore
Dancing with death: 'Some days you find yourselves on the floor wondering how you'll go on'
The inquest into the deaths of six young people at music festivals has revealed harrowing stories about the impact of MDMA at toxic levels.
Meet the woman tasked with cutting Australia's shocking suicide rate
Christine Morgan plans to take the "village approach" to achieve the government's daunting aim of moving the suicide rate towards zero.
Suicidal behaviour in Australian men far higher than previously ...
World-first research backed by the charities Beyond Blue and Movember has found the number of men ...
Tolstoy memorably described boredom as “the desire for desires.” Erich Fromm called it "one of the greatest tortures." But what's lost when we lose the ability to be bored
Cockatoo choreographs his own dance moves researchers believe
The Trouble with Bohemian Absinthe
When temperance advocates won the ban on absinthe in 1915, many of them saw it as the first step in a broader anti-drinking campaign.