Thursday, August 02, 2018

2024: Agitating Positive Corporate Visions - Thinking the Unthinkable

Who are the “Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement”?

How to measure culture and manage the risks is as topical as ever, as the conduct issues facing Australian companies has become front page news.

One of the positive attributes at work culture is employees keep things in perspectivehave fun, and laugh. Laughter generates endorphins, our natural antidepressants.

Chris Jordan: Working towards 2024

'I want the ATO to be comparable with the best of any large organisation anywhere in the world with a large and diverse client base – where people in our community, key stakeholders, partners and government have trust and confidence that we are fair, effective and efficient in carrying out our mission.'

Each year, we present the ATO Corporate plan that outlines our priorities for the year ahead. This year, we are taking a longer term view, with strategic objectives that reflect our ambition over the long term, through to 2024.

Building on the gains of our reinvention program, the Corporate plan 2018–19 contains the next steps on the journey to achieving our 2024 aspirations. Our aim is to build trust and confidence in the tax and superannuation systems and to create a streamlined, integrated and data-driven future. We will regularly review the steps we are taking to get there and continually adapt to the broader environment.
Corporate plan. You can also download this document in Portable Document Format (PDF, 749KB

The Commissioner of Taxation annual report is the bookend to the Corporate plan. It informs parliament, stakeholders and the community about how we have administered the tax and superannuation systems throughout each financial year

🚨 PHISHING SCAM ALERT 🚨 Look out for this new scam email requesting your credit/debit card details. Do not click on the link in the email or disclose your personal info. Details:……
It’s important to know how to identify an illegitimate request for information. Be aware of what you share. If you’re unsure about any request for information, or if you feel you may have shared sensitive information with the wrong person, contact us directly on 1800 008 540 or go to

 PwC Australia: What keeps CEOs awake at night ... 
ATO commissioner Chris Jordan reappointed until 2024 

Veteran reporter Steve Barrett accused of blackmail in ATO fraud