Saturday, July 14, 2018

Strasbourg: A rave, in 1518

 Try to be like the turtle – at ease in your own shell.
-Bill Copeland

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SO THERE’S SOMETHING IT CAN’T DO: Research: Vitamin D doesn’t protect patients from brain-related disorders

A rave, in 1518. A woman stepped outside her house in Strasbourg and jigged for days on end. Hundreds joined in, some until they lost consciousness or died... Five centuries ago, the world’s longest rave took place in Strasbourg – a ‘plague’ of dancing that was fatal for some. What caused it? Art, poetry and music of the time can provide some clues

Using a 360° GoPro camera, Jeb Corliss films his ride on a roller coaster and, with some help from image stabilization in the editing phase, turns the footage into a trippy Wonka-esque thrill ride.
Give it a sec to get going and watch the whole thing…the really mind-bending stuff starts happening after about 20 seconds. (via digg)
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It’s the 500th anniversary of a rave in France that lasted three months—and where some dancers collapsed and died.