Sunday, December 14, 2003

I don't want to drag the expresident of Czech land into Amerikan presidential race, but there is a moral and civic duty on Vaclav Havel ...I am just curious as many Czech in the blogosphere ...Is Howard Dean electable in his heart?

Some regimes are blogger's wet dream, in the sense that they have absolutely no instinct for morality.
Meanwhile, Australia is shaping up Amnesty International driest nightmare in 21st Century AD.

· Never before has the House of Representatives operated in such secrecy [TomPaine ]
· It is easy fall under the spell of extreme curiosity about what the powerful actually think [ courtesy of Dr Bill McKell, NSW Parliamentary Historian]
· The need to be bolder, take more chances, challenge the notions of traditional journalism [ courtesy of Tim Porter]
Many recent bestselling books have titles stating directly or indirectly that politicians and political partisans in general are flat-out liars; they fabricate, spin, deceive, and prevaricate.
· Politicians, Lying Brain Teasers, Mathematical Puzzles [ via Surfdom ]