Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Accident Hospital Or Morgue?

Undertaker's car collided with an ambulance in Prague several days ago. I wouldn't say it is funny, but it is ironic, don't you think? SOURCE:
· The irony that couldn't take any more [Czechout 15 April 2003]

Taxes Morality

Little Off the Top
Gregg Easterbrook on the morality of taxes
Why I Almost Like Tax Time
It Could Be Worse

What your pastor, imam, or rabbi wants you to pay.
How serious a crime is evading taxes?

Did Jesus Want You to Pay Taxes?
Bible scholar Marcus Borg on the render unto Caesar clause.
Plus: Evade or Cave?
Links to sites that defend or protest taxpaying.

Is It OK to Cheat on Your Taxes?

You've slaved over the fine print, scribbled calculations, and tested your faith in Uncle Sam. Now, what do you believe about your taxes? Take our completely anonymous, completely arbitrary set of polls below and see what others believe.
Everyone knows waiters, for instance, don't report all their tips. Should we raise tax rates on cash income to compensate for underreporting?
Yes, what a clever idea.
No, it would punish those who follow the rules.
No, high tax rates already encourage underreporting.
Is exploiting a loophole--like creating trusts for people you never met--cheating?
No. Loopholes are built into the system.
Yes. It's against the spirit of the law and only available to rich people.
Tax evasion is an act most comparable to:
Burning the flag

· Poll [BiliefNet]