Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Tax avoidance markets in everything?

Behold the tax free bagel: A New York classic gets a tax day makeover

Tax avoidance markets in everything?

How Finland Virtually Ended Homelessness—and We Can Too Common Dreams

Rewilding the planet Nature

The 'Godfather of AI' quit Google — and says he now regrets his role creating technology that poses a threat to humanity

War and subsidies have turbocharged the green transition Economist

What lessons have we learned from the COVID pandemic? NPR. Zelikow PR blitz. Zelikow: “And this book really is kind of a revelation about, how do we restore a reputation for competence and problem solving?” #CovidIsAirborne, so start cleaning indoor air. (When I get the book, I will also look for one word of thanks and praise for people who implemented NPIs, especially masks. The words Biden has never given, not once. That would help, too.)

Review: ‘I Know Who Caused COVID-19′: Pandemics and Xenophobia MR Online

EU names 19 large tech platforms that must follow Europe’s new Internet rules

Ars Technica: “The European Commission will require 19 large online platforms and search engines to comply with new online content regulations starting on August 25, European officials said. The EC specified which companies must comply with the rules for the first time, announcing today that it “adopted the first designation decisions under the Digital Services Act.” 

Five of the 19 platforms are run by Google, specifically YouTube, Google Search, the Google Play app and digital media store, Google Maps, and Google Shopping. Meta-owned Facebook and Instagram are on the list, as are Amazon’s online store, Apple’s App Store, Microsoft’s Bing search engine, TikTok, Twitter, and Wikipedia. These platforms were designated because they each reported having over 45 million active users in the EU as of February 17. 

The other listed platforms are Alibaba AliExpress,, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, and German online retailer Zalando. Companies have four months to comply with the full set of new obligations and could face fines of up to 6 percent of a provider’s annual revenue. One new rule is a ban on advertisements that target users based on sensitive data such as ethnic origin, political opinions, or sexual orientation…”

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, April 22, 2023 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and online security, often without our situational awareness. 

Four highlights from this week: Twitter forces all links to go through its own link shortener; Hijacked AI assistants can now hack your data; AI Incident Database; and New ChatGPT4.0 Concerns: A Market for Stolen Premium Accounts.

After NPR Quits, Public Radio Stations Ponder Leaving Twitter

More than 30 stations have announced so far that they will no longer use Twitter. Some station leaders say they made the decision to show solidarity with NPR. - Current

The Joys Of Berlinglish

An editor at Exberliner, the English-language monthly magazine for expats in Germany's capital, considers the quirky ways in which Deutsch and English mix in Berlin — and what it means to be a native speaker of the tongue everybody else uses as a second language. - The European Review of Books