
Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Truth Will Surface: The Ethics of Data: Anonymity Vs Analytics

  “NISO The Ethics of Data: Anonymity Vs AnalyticsWe are living in unprecedented times. We walk around with powerful computers in our pockets that can track our every move. We regularly offer up our location and vital information on what we buy, watch, and read to digital global powerhouses such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon.  This data is, of course, used to provide us with product and service suggestions designed to improve our lives. The technology now known as “big data” is a battleground for surveillance. Many feel we are living in a Big Brother world, where our every physical and online movement, purchase, and personal message is stored to create a picture of us that may or may not be accurate.  The age of big data is now firmly upon us, and we therefore face collective societal challenges on how our data is handled and used to target and track us. Data ethics is an emergent theme and one that poses complex questions for those of us who work in the identity and knowledge sector…”

Global Investigative Journalism Network: “Over the past year, I’ve had the opportunity to interview dozens of investigative journalists about their favorite tools and techniques. In a series of stories, their tips have shown our global audience of reporters that there are scores of muckraking tactics that can help their reporting, and that effective digital tools constantly emerge that can help them dig. But again and again, these top muckrakers point to roughly two dozen techniques that assist in almost all of their investigations, and consistently impress with their effectiveness. Most of these require no cost or computer science skills, and some involve the simplest adjustments to allow investigators to access tough sources or find elusive evidence. In part two of this piece next week, I’ll list the dozen tools that have emerged as common favorites for many reporters. But here, in part one, I list the dozen tactics and approaches that leading investigative journalists commonly rave about…”

Study: More ‘green time,’ less screen time boosts kids’ mental health.

T-Mobile investigates claims of giant customer data breach 

Study: Social media ‘likes’ of ‘moral outrage’ spread more extreme views.

Do tell.

Why I’m Investing In Creative Youth

"While the pandemic magnified the already apparent need for young people to develop artistic and employable media arts skills, calls for racial justice showed the imperative for adults to provide movement-building support and guidance to young people." - Philanthropy News Digest

You Believe In Privacy? Turns Out We Believe In Convenience More

Despite this surge in support for privacy, we’re looking at a situation where routine surveillance of citizens will continue to become normalized—not through coercion, but through convenience. - Fast Company

Tasked With Writing A Family Spy History

Author Rebecca Donner knew little about her great-great-aunt. Turns out she (and her husband) were one of the most famous American spy couples of the Resistance during WWII. - The New York Times


  1. Sense Data, by Gary Hatfield.


  1. Justice, by David Miller.
  2. Bernard Bosanquet, by William Sweet.
  3. Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, by Lev Vaidman.
  4. Richard Rorty, by Bjørn Ramberg and Susan Dieleman.
  5. Frege’s Theorem and Foundations for Arithmetic, by Edward N. Zalta.
  6. Descartes’ Theory of Ideas, by Kurt Smith.


  1. Meaning and Communication, by Marat Shardimgaliev.


1000-Word Philosophy  ∅     

Project Vox      ∅  

Recent Philosophy Book Reviews in Non-Academic Media     

  1. Hannah Arendt (Critical Lives) by Samantha Rose Hill is reviewed by Shaan Sachdev at Los Angeles Review of Books.
  2. Citadels of Pride by Martha Nussbaum is reviewed by Aidan Johnson at The Globe and Mail.
  3. Digital Souls: A Philosophy of OnlineDeath by Patrick Stokes is reviewed by Maks Sipowicz at Sydney Review of Books.

Compiled by Michael Glawson

BONUS: Determinism vs. Fatalism

How the Human Immune System Works

Hate your job? Find a new one with this LinkedIn tool - TechRepublic: “In recent months, there has been much speculation about a Great Resignation of sorts as employees look to quit their positions and start fresh elsewhere. At the same time, companies are currently pulling out all of the stops to attract top talent amid a tight labor market. Based on a person’s existing skills and experience, a LinkedIn tool helps prospective job seekers identify new professional pathways and upskilling opportunities to jumpstart a new career. “The pandemic sparked many to feel like now is a good time to explore a career change, either because their industry has been slow to recover or because they’ve been inspired to try something new – something at LinkedIn we’re calling ‘The Great Reshuffle’,” said Nikhil Gahlawat, senior data scientist at LinkedIn. “As a job seeker, it can be tough to know where to start, but the key is to be able to identify and highlight your skills that can translate seamlessly between jobs and industries.”…

Engadget: “The New York City Police Department has spent over $159 million on surveillance systems and maintenance since 2007 without public oversight, according to newly released documents. The Legal Aid Society (LAS) and the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (STOP) obtained the documents from the NYPD, which include contracts with vendors. They show that the NYPD has spent millions on facial recognitionpredictive policing tech and other surveillance systems. The NYPD made the purchases through a Special Expenses Fund. It didn’t need to gain the approval of the NYC Council or other city officials before signing the contracts, as Wired reports.  STOP and other privacy groups lobbied for the Public Oversight of Surveillance Technology (POST) Act, which passed last year and requires the NYPD to disclose details about its public surveillance infrastructure. The Special Expenses Fund was shut down after the legislation passed. LAS and STOP threatened legal action if the NYPD didn’t detail its surveillance practices…”

A Mural-Making Spree Lifts Spirits in BuffaloBloomberg 

Instagram says sorry for removing Pedro Almodovar film poster BBC. One of my film buff friends points out, with some annoyance at the industry, that Almodovar is the only director to show frontal male nudity.