
Thursday, August 19, 2021

Bunnings $17 Indigenous art pots go viral

Adding decor, such as artwork and a few plants, is one the easiest ways to upgrade your home space – which is why it’s no surprise this $17 Bunnings item has taken

The hardware and garden store is selling a range of pots featuring art from Warlukurlangu Artists – one of the oldest 100 per cent Aboriginal-owned art co-operations in Australia.

The beautiful designs – featuring traditional Warlpiri designs and stories – are being snapped up by plant and art lovers across the country.

Bunnings $17 Indigenous art pots go viral

Why Did the Taliban Take Over Afghanistan So Fast?

How the Taliban outfoxed the US.

Australian psychologist Steven Taylor published what would turn out to be a prophetic book, and it has become like a Lonely Planet guide to the pandemic