
Saturday, February 13, 2016

We Want a New Drug and/or Filozofy

“Mark this well, you proud men of action: You are nothing but the unwitting agents of the men of thought who often, in quiet self-effacement, mark out most exactly all your doings in advance.”
~ Heinrich Heine, History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany

Peg O' Connor has made thinking about drugs her life's work. Her blog, "Philosophy Stirred, Not Shaken," puts some of the greatest questions of Western philosophy to our hedonistic lifestyles... 
Philosophy has historically taken a more idiosyncratic approach to drugs than other disciplines. Aldous Huxley's 1954 book The Doors of Perceptiondocuments the breakdown of his ego and resultant "obscure knowledge" he gained from an eight-hour trip on Mescaline—a psychedelic also favored by Sartre. Nietzsche was reportedly addicted to opium while writing The Genealogy of Morality. And according to a 2013 survey, 90 percent of philosophy students in the UK have taken drugs Drugs and philosophy ...

News from the… Profession? Area Police Department Offers Help to Drug Dealers Struggling With Tax Season Preparations (Caleb Newquist, Going Concern)

A new drug could offer a remedy to antibiotic resistance Business Insider

Martin Shkreli All but Gloated Over Huge Drug Price Increases, Memos Show New York Times

Martin Shkreli Pleads the Fifth C-Span It’s actually worth watching. He smirks repeatedly like the social club of East Latituders ;-) Lets hope that this kind of behavior is going to get the book thrown at him in his criminal securities fraud trail ...(from commentariat "The question is, who gives vile people so much money to manage? In the good old days, someone would have thrown this guy off a boat in cement overshoes.")

Huey Lewis and the News, We Want a New Drug

Charles Waterstreet, along with Antic's lawyer Omar Juweinat are saving Sydney  and Bohemia ...Whether all this will save Sydney's sex industry remains to be seen, but the two lawyers are committing their able selves to the task. "How can we not have a red light district in this city?" asks Waterstreet. "I mean, where are politicians gonna go?" The Rake Private Sydney

The ICAC launched an investigation into allegations Ms Cunneen tried to pervert the course of justice by advising Ms Tilley to "fake chest pains" to avoid a police breath test after the accident. Margaret Cunneen

A pair of foreign backpackers travelling in Australia are recovering after enduring a vicious sexual assault on a South Australian beach. A naked and bloodied woman was forced to run through sand dunes on a remote Coorong beach after escaping the clutches of her alleged would-be killer, reports the Adelaide Scenes from The Rundle Office? 

Drug Shortages Forcing Hard Decisions on Rationing Treatments New York Times The story is disappointing in dumping a lot of causes together. Much of this is cutting back on cheap off patent drugs to force the use of pricier, often no better and sometimes worse substitutes. Drug companies get massive R&D subsidies. They ought to be nationalized for pulling this crap, or alternatively, have all their licenses of government IP suspended until they start making old drugs in the needed quantities.
Emily Dickinson's poem, "The Brain - is wider than the Sky," compares and contrasts the human brain with the sky, the sea, and God...

Walmart Ordered To Pay $31 Million For Retaliating Against Pharmacist Whistleblower Consumerist  I assume most NC readers avoid partronizing Walmart, but be sure to circulate this article to anyone you know who might go there, to tell them not to use its pharmacy. The odds favor that the sort of practices that the whistleblower reported (replacing experienced staff with rookies who made mistakes) is widespread.

German flying ace, ‘The Red Baron’ and his dog (1916)

Johnny Cash sang a good deal about the criminal justice system. He lamented being stuck in Folsom prison, had feltpretty bad about cocaine, and the trouble with deadbeat dads. So it’s not too much of a stretch to imagine an enterprising jurist drawing from Cash’s oeuvre for rhetorical flourish. But this citation from a known Johnny Cash superfan might be the result of a friendly professional wager Ach Johnny Cash citation force into high court opinion

Question from the Austral Gudwara When did caste kick in?

Spurned by academe, W.E.B. Du Bois found a more important cause: “High on the ramparts of this blistering hell of life ... I sit and see the Truth”... Sunlight 

birds reflection links