
Sunday, February 14, 2016

The 2800 year old kiss: We' Too Sexy Malchkeon

All we need is love! Some media dragon couples are blessed when two volumes become one book ...

A Essential Reads list that includes at least one perfect book that will match whichever mood zaps through you when you think, “Whoa, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner!?”  St Val 

“Memory is a great artist, we are told; she selects and rejects and shapes and so on. No doubt. Elderly persons would be utterly intolerable if they rememberedeverything. Everything, nevertheless, is just what they themselves would like to remember, and just what they would like to tell to everybody.
~ Max Beerbohm, “No. 2, The Pines” (courtesy of Levi Stahl)

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, it’s a good opportunity to think about all those roses and how the market process brings them to our door.
Our Principles of Microeconomics course at MRUniversity has two videos on this theme beginning with I, Rose and followed up with the the classic, A Price is a Signal Wrapped up in an Incentive.
We have also created a Lecture Plan that offers some fun ideas for teaching economics around Valentine’s Day.

Slovenia town plans public beer fountainUPI

Right Said Fred, I’m Too Sexy in Slavic towns

“‘Most Chinese grew up thinking Tagore was mild and romantic, all stars, gardens and flowers,’ Mr. Feng said in a recent interview in his Beijing studio. ‘So with my translation, many people felt like their Tagore, the Tagore from their childhood textbooks, had been challenged.'” The New York Times Media Dragon translations are too sexy for Chinese 
“Certainly, it is more reasonable to devote one’s life to women than to postage stamps or old snuff-boxes, even to pictures or statues.”
~Marcel Proust, The Guermantes Way
The 2800 year old kiss
Superstition is foolish, childish, primitive and irrational — but how much does it cost you to knock on wood?
— Judith Viorst, born on this dare in 1932

Harvard Law School, Love in the Crosshairs:
What are the secrets for long-lasting love? Lean closer to find out.
  • Keep curiosity alive.
  • Never assume anything about each other.
  • And, last but not least, open a joint bank account.
With Valentine’s Day near, experts in negotiation, mediation, and lasting marriage shared that advice to a rapt audience at a panel called Negotiating Love: Interpersonal Negotiation and Romantic Relationships, held today at Harvard Law School (HLS).

Joan Didion is our Mother of Sorrows, our Saint Joan. Only she isn't. She’s cool-eyed and coldblooded. That's her genius. Loving Genius of Saint Joan 

Photograph by Eric Pickersgill from his series ‘Removed,’ in which he shows his subjects’ attachment to their cell phones and other handheld devices by asking them to ‘hold their stare and posture’ as he removes the devices from their hands and then takes their portrait
Photograph by Eric Pickersgill from his series ‘Removed,’ in which he shows his subjects’ attachment to their cell phones and other handheld devices by asking them to ‘hold their stare and posture’ as he removes the devices from their hands and then takes their portrait Eric Pickersgill/

To find true love, it helps to understand the economic principles underpinning the search. Optimising romance

Comedians, start your engines: lawyer who sued over intimate male enhancement promotion now sues over dating service promotion [New Jersey Civil Justice Institute]