
Saturday, August 07, 2004

The webdiary is a struggling writer's dream. A personal environment not subject to the harsh judgments of editors and literary critics where one can create and experiment. Many have blogged as fictitious characters that exist only in the writer's mind, and digitally on the web.
Our system of government is being corrupted and our liberties eroded, argues One very angry webdiarist: Not Happy John!, Margo Kingston

Literature & Art Across Frontiers: Bringing Down the House & the Iron Curtain
Memoir is the illumination of pen and ink upon one's life experience. It is memory, colored by time and distilled through the creative nonfiction process, and its fruits are some of the best that contemporary literature has to offer.
Who is draining the rivers of MEmoirs... [What does it take to get hot reviews around here? You'll be getting a lot of escapes for your dough when you dive into a copy of Cold River @ WOW! ]
• · I'm rich jester & that rare square peg that fits into a round hole A recently minted Ph.D. in American literature who earns his living as a freelance writer specializing in science and medical articles
• · · See Also There must be more than simple judgments of good and bad ; [Winter/Summer Reading with Joi Ito ]
• · · · See Also As a songwriter, Loren Jan Wilson admits to an unhealthy obsession with music reviews
• · · · · The songs are a good mix of deadpan singing that explore the heights of hedged optimism and depths of merry pessimism from the agony of Payczech-chasing to pleasures that are sometimes too briefly enjoyed, namely swimming naked and falling in love
• · · · · · Cultural Blog: Hardest task of weekend: explaining to someone who doesn't have cable that Chris Matthews really does exist outside of SNL; [3800 Book Notes: With the mustache and credibility]