
Friday, August 06, 2004

We are now a country that is indefinitely detaining two people until they leave even though they have nowhere else to go on the planet.; John Quiggin understands the religious reasons why; Ken Parish understands the legal reasons why

Eye on Politics & Law Lords: Generation Next
AN EMERGING GENERATION of young, progressive Democrats is networking, brainstorming, and organizing to fill a gap in liberal politics. Because the Democratic Party has long failed to harness their energy, these young people are trying — with the help of several new and already-existing organizations — to channel it themselves by tapping into their own resources and using the tools of their generation. Their goal? To help build a stronger base and revitalize the infrastructure that has left the party stagnant and struggling against conservative opponents.
After years of neglect, the Democratic Party is finally reaching out to young voters; [Why, Ach, Why Young people do not vote; The Boss wants you to vote]
• · See Also Wicked genius that is liberalism
• · · See Also Labor’s economic policy options in the coming election
• · · · Indonesia on globalization and Postgenocide democracy>
• · · · · See Also Thailand drifting towards authoritarianism
• · · · · · · Corruption Prague Transparency International study shows the more things change, the more they stay the same