
Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project

WaPo Op-Ed: Gentle Is The Joy That Comes With Age

Researchers Make Breakthrough in Study of Mysterious 2000-Year-Old Computer Found in Shipwreck Futurism 

Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project

The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project connects 45 non-profit investigative centers in 34 countries, scores of journalists and several major regional news organizations across Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. We work to turn the tables on corruption and build greater accountability through exposing the abuse of power at the expense of the people. We serve all people whose lives are affected by organized crime and corruption. Our highest aim is for the stories we produce to give citizens and governments the information and tools they need to bring about a fair system in which criminality and injustice are fought with transparency, knowledge, and empowerment.”

How the Zebra Got Its Stripes – and How Humans Stole the Trick The Nature-Nurture-Nietzsche Newsletter

The publishing world is following in the footsteps of GOAT (NYT)

 “most of the whistle-blowers I talked to did not see ethicists as their friends or allies…

Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare

 “Individuals who are unmarried and not in relationships at age 24 are extremely optimistic about the probability of having children, while married individuals have very accurate beliefs.

Human chain to move the books

Louise Perry on eugenics

Why Should We Have To Allow Facial Recognition To Use Ordinary Services?

There’s something disconcerting about a sophisticated piece of surveillance technology deployed for something as banal as selling candy. - The Walrus

 What a Chevron decision could mean 

“This is a very significant overturning of Chevron deference, which has been a cornerstone of administrative law for the past 40 years. Some key points about the implications:

  1. It fundamentally shifts power from executive agencies to courts in interpreting ambiguous statutes. Courts will now have primary authority to interpret statutory ambiguities rather than deferring to reasonable agency interpretations.
  2. It opens up many existing agency regulations and interpretations to potential new legal challenges. Regulations that were previously upheld under Chevron may now be more vulnerable.
  3. It will likely make it harder for agencies to issue new regulations or take new regulatory actions, as they will have less latitude in interpreting their statutory authority.
  4. It may lead to less stability and consistency in regulatory policy, as different courts may reach different interpretations of statutes.
  5. It could slow down the regulatory process, as more issues may end up being litigated in court rather than deferred to agency expertise.

Some areas that may see significant impacts:

  1. Environmental regulations (EPA, Dept of Interior, etc.)
  2. Healthcare regulations (HHS, CMS)
  3. Financial regulations (SEC, CFPB)
  4. Labor regulations (DOL, NLRB)
  5. Immigration policies
  6. Telecommunications regulations (FCC)

Regulations that rely heavily on agencies filling in statutory gaps or interpreting broad statutory language are most likely to be affected. Major Obama and Biden-era regulations on issues like climate change, healthcare, and financial reform may be particularly vulnerable to new challenges.

However, the majority opinion does state that prior judicial decisions upholding agency actions under Chevron should not necessarily be overturned based on this ruling alone. So there is some effort to limit the disruptive impact, though the dissent expresses skepticism about how effective that will be in practice.

Overall, this represents a major shift in the balance of power between the executive and judicial branches when it comes to administrative law and regulation. The full practical implications will likely take years to play out through new litigation and regulatory processes.”

Ismael Kadare, RIP

Revenge of the generalist?: “Prediction: Over the next decade there will be a revenge of the generalist. Generalists will be rewarded as organizations shrink and employees are asked to do more with less. AI will accelerate this trend as specialized tasks become more and more automated.”  Gagan Biyani

Have you ever wished that you were a superhero? If so, how much would you be willing to pay to become one? In this study, we measured the economic value of becoming a superhero or obtaining a superpower using a discrete choice experiment. We focused on four superpowers: mind-control, flight, teleportation, and supernatural physical strength and measured values for each power. Our results indicate that of the four powers, our participants valued teleportation the most.

That is from a newly published paper by Julian J. Hwang and Dongso Lee

Beware the phrase “cheap labor” 

We’re All Living Season 5 of “The Wire” Matt Taibbi, Racket News